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Best Tips For Handling Common Beard Problems For Men

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December 16, 2022

Common beard problem and solutions

Growing a beard and maintaining it are both equally challenging. A lot of effort goes into fostering a dashing full beard that looks impeccable. Before you start your beard-growing journey, you'll need to prepare well to take care of beard hygiene and common discomfort problems, such as patchiness, acne, beard dandruff, dryness and more. Here in this blog, you'll get simple solutions for every common beard problem so you can easily manage them:

1. Patchy Beard

When your beard starts growing initially, and sometimes even past the initial stages, you may observe that your beard needs to grow out evenly. And this is also one of the common problems. It is only natural that your hair follicles grow at different rates. And there are various reasons for this, such as lack of nutrition, genes etc. You should be aware and do your bit to avert this.

What's the Solution?

The simple solution to fix a patchy beard is to eat the right food, maintain your hormone levels, and carry out regular trimming.

2. Are You Experiencing Acne In Your Beard?

Beard acne is another annoying problem that no one wants. Beard acne is the result of building up bacteria. You're more vulnerable to beard acne if you have an oily skin type. And this issue intensifies when you shave, as the irritation on your sensitive skin can lead to breakouts.

What's the Solution?

It would be best if you had an antibacterial treatment to treat your acne-prone beard. Avoid grabbing any random products; instead, check the product's ingredients. Knowing what suits your skin and doesn't is the best way to avert beard acne. As a thumb's rule, avoid very greasy men's styling products and use a beard shampoo having antibacterial properties. Look for ingredients having antibacterial properties, such as Jojoba oil, in your products.

3. Damaging Beard Dandruff

Beard dandruff is a common problem. Know that your beard is the same as your regular hair. Beard dandruff occurs when your dry skin beneath starts to flake. The primary reason is that you need to provide more moisture to your beard. Your beard dandruff is the result of your skin's vulnerability. For instance, if you have dry skin, you'll constantly struggle with beard dandruff.

What's the Solution?

It would be best if you kept your beard clean and hygienic. Men's grooming products can help you to keep your beard healthy. Use men's shampoo to clean your beard. Beard oil is the best weapon to fight beard dandruff; apply it to your beard as required to provide moisture, but use the required quantity only.

4. Dry & Brittle

Dry and brittle beard hair is also a common problem that men experience. A dry beard could be the outcome of your neglect or genes. Brittle hair is rough and uncomfortable and can sometimes cause a frizzy beard.

What's the Solution?

You must maintain a good beard care routine and give your beard the nourishment it needs using quality beard care products. A quality beard wash and effective moisturising are excellent remedies. And you need to use quality beard oil regularly and style it with a beard balm or cream and a beard brush.

5. Is Your Beard Itchy?

Well, dandruff in your hair can result in constant and irritable itching. And the same can be said of beard too. Regardless of the cause, an itchy beard is highly irritating as well.

What's the Solution?

The simple solution for an itchy beard is to find a good shampoo and conditioner. Wash your beard twice or thrice a week using this shampoo. If you need, you can also wash your beard on alternate days. However, ensure you don't overdo it because frequent washing can dry your beard. Next, condition and moisturise your beard, and you're all set.

Get Your Glow Back!

It's imperative to maintain your beard for your hygiene, which will help you make a good impression and attain your professional or work goals confidently.

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